1 | Gabriel Hemery and Cherry Plum

2 | Tree Heart

3 | Willow Pollards

4 | After the storm

5 | Golden Trees (where's the rainbow?)

6 | To my daughter with love (planted 1997)

7 | Alder flower crab spider

8 | Spent

9 | English rainforest canopy

10 | Tunnel of sylvan love

11 | Blackthorn constellation

12 | Rain, rain, rain

13 | Ash Rookery

14 | The Old Goat (Willow)

15 | Blackthorn Cloud

16 | Dead but not forgotten

17 | Herald of spring

18 | Once a tree

19 | Promise

20 | Golden Avenue

21 | The Oak'n Holly

22 | Larch flower

23 | Spring passage

24 | Cherry Waft

25 | Wyvern

26 | Pussy Willow